IPSEN & Hunter Projects

“Having access to the specialised unit with such a quick turnaround was a huge benefit to Ipsen Biopharm.”

IPSEN & Hunter Projects

Hunter Projects were designated with the task of redesigning facilities at Ipsen Biopharm, a global pharmaceutical group focused on speciality solutions for targeted debilitating diseases.

Having worked with Dawsongroup before Paul Hanratty, the Site Manager for Hunter Projects, knew that Dawsongroup’s consultation service would be able to provide the solution in sourcing a new cold storage unit.

The company specifically desired a cold storage facility suitable for the pharmaceutical sector, due to their limited space available.

“The experienced sales team within Dawsongroup thoroughly explained the process for installation and swiftly had the unit delivered on site”.

The cold storage unit was rented on a short-term basis whilst Biopharm’s premises were undergoing major production changes.

“Originally, Ipsen Biopharm were looking to rent the unit as a back-up while facilities were moved around, but they realised they needed the extra storage and continued to rent the unit for the duration of the project” Paul Hanratty explained.

“Having access to the specialised unit with such a quick turnaround was a huge benefit to Ipsen Biopharm. Dawsongroup were very professional and, if we’re in a similar situation with future clients, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dawsongroup”.

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    Dawsongroup temperature control solutions,
    Export Drive,
    NG17 6AF