Our Customer Feedback Survey is now on hold due to Covid-19 but we would like to share the summary of the responses from the 395 customers surveyed to-date as per below.
Managing Director Rod Benham commented “A lot of rental businesses are reluctant to survey existing customers due to a) not wanting to hear of problems or any dissatisfaction or b) a fear that the hirer will realise he doesn’t need the asset and an off-hire results. Our driver was the complete opposite to a) in that we want to know where we can improve. What was particularly pleasing to me was the excellent response to Q2: Do we demonstrate that we understand what you need and what you want from us. Our response to any enquiry for a specific model should be ‘what are you trying to achieve’ so we can ensure we are supplying the right solution to match the need but rather than simply address known issues we want, and are set-up for is to work in partnership with their customers on where they want go. No business can stand still and should constantly be looking to improve”.
Customer Feedback Survey Results as of today including 395 Customers.
Do we invest the right amount of time, doing the right things to build a strong business relationship with you?
YES 85% NO 6% ?? 9%
Do we demonstrate that we understand what you need and what you want from us
YES 93% NO 3% ?? 4%
Do we keep our promises and actually do what we say we would do within the agreed timescales?
YES 88% NO 5% ?? 7%
Do we go the extra mile and deliver beyond your expectations?
YES 58% NO 13% ?? 29%
Do we clearly define agreed terms, our fees and our actions when working with you?
YES 86% NO 3% ?? 11%
On a score of 1-5 (5 being highly likely) how likely would you be to recommend DGTCS within your business & professional network?